Rise of the Guardians
of the Guardians is an epic adventure that tells the story of a group of heroes
- each with extraordinary abilities. When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays
down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces
for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs, and imagination of children
all over the world.
Let's start first with some basic information. The movie came out in November 2012 (premiere was actually in October), and Joyce was one of the Executive producers for the movie. There are rumors for a possible sequel, simply because in some interviews was said that if the movie got good critics and if the movie meets the expectations, they will probably work on a sequel.
Another thing to say about this movie is that it has quite famous actors like
Chris Pine (Jack Forst), Alec Baldwin (North), Isla Fisher (Tooth), Hugh Jackman
(Bunnymund) and Jude Law (Pitch), which gives to the animation a whole new level,
because they are good at what they do.
The movie happens in three days before Easter, which makes Bunnymund more grumpy
than ever, but the point is that Pitch is back and will be trying to take over
the world with his fearlings. We first see Bunnymund when he takes the tunnels
to go to the North Pole, when called for an urgent meeting by North. He is the
voice of reason, when North claims that Pitch is back, at least till Manny (Man
in the Moon) actually does confirm North’s thesis, and tells them, that
he has chosen another guardian: Jack Frost - Bunny is not happy with the choice,
still angry because of blizzard of ‘68. And here the adventure begins.